About me and my blog.

There is little about me that I’d say is unique enough to distinguish me from the hundreds of other travel blogs out there, but if I’ve learned anything over the years, it’s not about standing out, but about blending in and making a connection.

So I’m Talia Young, one of many I’m sure, and I’m happy to have you here at my blog! Travel inkine is just my concentrated journal of useful travel information, backpacking tips and tricks, and anything else I encounter on my forever journey.

one world. infinite places.

“We travel, some of us forever, to seek other states, other lives, other souls.”
– Anais Nin

I’ve been traveling since I was old enough to walk, and I’ve never really stopped since. From the moanstaries of Majorca to the mountains of Nepal, I’ve made it a point to travel as far and wide as I can with as little planning as possible. Travel should be, I feel, about discovery and adventure. You can’t plan that, and you can’t learn anything without that. But I know that not everyone has the same philosophy as me, which is why this blog I hope you’ll find helpful, learning from my achievements, mistakes, and experiences. Also, I’d love to hear from you, my readers! Have fun!